Back in the day if you wanted to do this you would have to physically write a letter on Mimeograph paper and then turn the crank and make copies on the Mimeograph machine and then either mail them out or stand on a corner handing them out. Not terribly effective, in terms of the potential reach and scope and also a whole lot of effort for the potential reward. The upside was that you did get a sweet buzz from the chemicals used in the process. The alternative was to take out a paid advertisement in a newspaper which although more effective was also quite costly. Life really has been made so much easier by technology.
Lately it seems that more often than not, someone is taking exception to one point or another, either on the list or on their personal cyclocross related blog . This fall especially, it seems to me that we have had a massive increase in complaints and rants as compared to years past. Maybe this is a sign that the honeymoon is over and that the community is starting to look at cyclocross with more of an eye toward scrutiny. Maybe it is simply that people have too much time on their hands and feel the need to complain about something. Regardless, it is interesting why there seems to be an increase now. Or is it simply that the noise was always there and we just weren't choosing to listen to it? Is it actually just that the perspective has changed?
Next up are those who feel compelled to complain based on their own insecurities and shortcomings. I suspect that they tend to be the same people that speak negatively of others as a means of making themselves look better. To some degree or another, we all fall into this category. By proclaiming that a course didn't really suit our skills or that we were somehow handicapped by some one or something we are effectively making excuses and falling into this trap. It's easy to do this as we are a society that delights in a Cinderella Story where even with the odds stacked against our hero, they triumph through adversity. If they fail then they have a reason as the odds were simply insurmountable. One thing that has done a great job in showing us is that almost none of the excuses matter, barring some major catastrophe, you are going to finish just about where statistics say you are going to, regardless. Get some humility, drop the excuses and if your performance was below your expectation, focus the scrutiny inward rather than outward.
More and more people seem to be re-focusing away from their own individual goals and toward a common goal with their children and families. This seems to be making for more of a family event at many of the races. I'm seeing groups coordinating and having a much bigger team or club presence at the races. We are also seeing huge numbers of participants at the beginner level. We can't disregard these folks needs as they are the ones making it possible for the rest of us by effectively subsidizing the events with their numbers. Would we have nearly fifty local cyclocross races a season in New England if only the Elites were racing? All of this fanfare and color can add to the fun, festival like atmosphere at the cross races and is to a large degree, what helps to keep them fresh and vibrant. Diversity is what makes the sport great and in many cases a unique mixer. We have doctors, engineers, teachers, executives, carpenters and people from literally all walks of life mingling together on the start line. Where else do you get this type of interaction and coming together of wildly disparate backgrounds all with a common goal? The competition at the event is the meat and potatoes but it can be so much better with appetizers and desert as well. That may explain my current issues with and aversion to the skinsuit.
Lastly we have those who just like to complain because they are intolerant or because they like to hear themselves or because they are just plain evil. If they were old and like this, they would be deemed 'cranky' or 'cantankerous' and could be found on the front porch shaking their fist and yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off their lawn. In reality, they are often just incapable of seeing things in a positive light. Serious glass half empty people who delight in turning this inner hostility outward and sharing their misery with everyone who has the misfortune of listening. The only way to deal with these folks is to distance yourself from them and ignore them. Though they may occasionally have valid points, it unfortunately isn't worth the cost to pick these infrequent nuggets from the rest of the mess.
Complaints, whining , excuses and overall negativity are just components in the bigger picture the same as taking oneself and ones results too seriously and having unrealistic expectations. For the vast majority of us, cycling is a pastime, a hobby that we do for fun or for fitness. It's easy to get overly wrapped up in it and in the outcomes but remember, unlike Lance it really is about the bike. That is why we all do it, the love of the bike. Take time to remember that and keep the focus realistic. Don't sell yourself short but keep it in perspective. At the end of the day, nobody lives or dies because you did or did not win the race. Be thankful for the fact that you had the opportunity to race your bike for fun, because you wanted to and not because you had to.
Wahhhhhhh. Dunkin Donuts was out of my "prerace" flavored coffee shot.
Wahhhhhhh I had THE shittiest starting position EVER that's why I missed the hole shot
Wahhhhhhh I have the wrong tires for this course and it made me slow.
Wahhhhhh I lost a gazillions places because EVERYONE kept crashing in front of me.
Wahhhhhhh Too many turns... Wahhhh... too many dismounts.. Wahhhh.... too dry... wahhhh too muddy..... wahhhhhhhhhh I only slept 15 minutes last night after drinking an entire keg by myself. wahhhhhh... the photographer never takes pictures of me.. Wahhhhhh no beer here today?? Wahhhhhh HuP United won't let me join. Wahhhhhh I'm so bloated. Do I look fat in this skinsuit??
Ironically enough, I guess I'm actually complaining about the complaints.
I want to complain about the off topic pictures of sunsets and cats.
From now on, I will see Opie/Ellie staring at me with a critical eye every time I feel a complaint coming on...
I'm glad someone saw the point in the use of the pix of Opie :)
The twilight pix symbolize the coming to an end of this thread. The vivid colors contrast the stark darkness in some of the past pix and offer hope in the upcoming day (series topic) in accordance with the old nautical saying about pink skies.
Blogs are expressions the writers' thoughts. Cycling blogs are about cycling and sometimes the writers of these blogs have a real or imagined complaints. The blog is a logical place to express these complaints.
I complain. Readers have the choice to read my complaints or not read them.
Maybe I still have readers because I only spend part of my bandwidth complaining...
I just stumbled onto this blog. I didn't know you were here. Great writing/thoughts. I especially enjoyed the "battling for mediocrity" post. We all go through that and I think it may help to put it out there to let people know that we sometimes hate the vicious cycle.
You might be complaining about the complainers, but you're doing it in a sound, thoughtful, constructive way. I wish I had thought of that! I've fallen into the trap of responding to the complainers in an angry reaction, but it doesn't do any good. The interwebs are a game to some people, and they usually don't "own" their comments. I like the way you're approaching it here and I have to agree with everything you've written so far. Looking forward to the rest of the series. Also looking forward to having you down for some more Mt. bike rides and sliding around on the skinny skis for the pure fun of it.
I often think the good old Hilljunkie has this thing figured out better than all of us. He get's in some racing but I don't know anyone who shuvs more living into a life than he does, at what point do we bag all the racing and just do the adventure weekends with good friends? Those weekends or trips are much higher ranked in the fun category, so why do we do it? I think it's competition. I think we're all addicted to trying to beat our nemesis'.
Anyway, carry on. JB
Very well written, and I agree with nearly everything you said.
The anonymity of the internet and the emboldening effect it has on whiners is something that has always frustrated me.
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