Cathy and I are having none of that and fully embrace the concept that it is all a blessing of sorts and that we must simply make do. This is going beyond being optimistic and simply choosing to see the good in everything, or in this case, the weather. We both realize how fortunate we are to have the ability to go play in the snow and to get the variety which affords us the luxury of choice, choice in what we do or the natural choice given us by the changing seasons which are so pronounced here in New England. That is a big part of why we live here, right, for the variety?It certainly is the primary reason for us.
In looking at some blog traffic today, an interesting bit of data struck me. It seems that over the past month, the second highest hit rate from a nation to my little blog, internationally, has been from the Ukraine, the first being the US. I had to stop and think a little bit about that and to wonder why, with everything those folks have going on, with all the turmoil and strife, what is it that brought them to me? I'm sure it is cycling related but I can hope that it is in part, the message of optimism or of the exploits of adventures that Cathy and I are given the luxury of living every day. Maybe it is simply the internet equivalent of a wrong number and they were looking for some revolutionary inspiration, woefully finding me instead.
Sort of puts things into perspective, that these folks on the other side of the world, on the other end of the cable, are fighting for their rights to freedom and to life. Sort of makes your problems seem small by comparison, or at least, it should. Should also make you think about taking things for granted, be that wealth, health, or time. You only get so much and nothing lasts forever.
I get that. Do you?
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